

Standardization can help drive Interoperability between equipment and increasingly, between software across various players; Compatibility across various dimensions of logistics and supply chain (pallets and racks); Repeatability by consistency in processes; and basic minimum Quality guaranteed by following set guidelines.

Standardization is needed to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure global compatibility. Non- Standardization incur high costs and result in poor asset utilization, multiple material handling and productivity loss. With increasing digitalization, use of multimodal logistics and Global supply chains there is a need for standards; across value chains – warehouse design, racking, palletization, material handling and transportation; to be digital ready; and consistent with global trade.

There is significant scope to standardise and harmonise key physical aspects associated with logistics services such as:

  1. Packaging, Storage and Handling (Packaging, Palletization, Racking and Material Handling)
  2. Transportation(Trucking, Rail, Air)
  3. Warehousing(Structures, Commodities, Outcomes)

In some of these areas Existing guidelines are already available though some modifications are required. Certain other areas require new guidelines to be developed. These are being developed in consultation with the various stakeholders including industry, BIS, etc

The expertise of professional bodies, national and international associations, sector experts and public consultations will be leveraged to develop standards. Technical panels consisting of such experts will develop standards related to palletisation, handling equipment, racking and trucking/containerisation that are aligned with global norms and best practices. The Logistics Division will support these agencies to review and develop harmonised standards based on international best practices and to disseminate such standards to all stakeholders.

Suggestions in this direction from the visitor are most welcome.